How To Be A God Girl

This page was made to help my fellow young women become real passionate women that God have created them to be. "God Girls" with a rooted establishment of Daddy's daughter-ship and a fiery desire to a real wholehearted submission to the Father. Embracing the character of Mary in John 12 where she lavished her love and adoration to Jesus, knowing how to leave everything behind and start to live for Him. Embracing the First Commandment of Loving God first among anything else and learning to wait on His Will for their lives, like the Church waits for Christ.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Running In Circles

"I'm so forgetful but You always remind me
You're the only One who brings me peace
You're the only One who brings me peace

So I come, Lord I come
I come, I come

To tell you I love You
To tell you I need You
To tell You there's no better place for me than in Your arms
To tell You I'm sorry for running in circles
For placing my focus on the waves and not Your face
You're the only one who brings me peace
You're the only one who brings me peace"

    Lately, I've been just so busy with my life, my distractions, my battles. I found a great danger in own walk with God when I feel like I get petty revelations from Him. I feel so caught up with myself, my own ways, that I became too complacent and too insensitive of His presence. But to make it clear, God has been pressing in some new revelations  within me to rekindle my faith; I was just so busy to put it up on words. My heart and mind were just all over the place, running in circles.
              Praise be to God that even when I'm too dumb to take Him for granted, He never fails. So I've been meditating on this verse that God has given me this week. It's so powerful and alive!

               "Even when we are too WEAK to have any faith left, HE REMAINS FAITHFUL TO US and will help us, for He cannot disown us who are PART OF HIMSELF, and He will always carry out His promises to us." ~2Timothy 2:13
      It's so overwhelming to know that even when our loyalty to God fails, HE STILL REMAINS FAITHFUL TO US. Our feelings CANNOT change His faithfulness; HE NEVER CHANGES. Even when we choose not to trust Him because it feels like it doesn't make sense, it only takes a blind man to see the invisible. But then again, it doesn't change His character towards us. So loving and kind, slow to anger and rich in love! 

                I can't still understand how God does this; how His mercies are new every morning, how He is so patient with us ungrateful, proud mere creatures, how He Himself, the Creator, reminds us of His unfailing love and unwavering faith that we'll see the way He sees and how He lets us savor and experience His grace again  and again, with new perspective and encounter.

                In the midst of the hurricane in my heart and knot-tied chaos on my head, He is the peace in the middle of the storm. He is the arm that catches me at the edge. His wing covers me, and declared me perfect instead on His eyes of mercy. He lets me come boldly to His throne with unveiled eyes and with unashamed soul. He came through to my every despair, He had always come through to carry out His promises for me!

                I love How He sweep me off my feet like this! My Spirit leaps for joy to know that I have a Father like this----the only perfect Father who loves me perfectly, all of me, despite me! A constant Lover and Forgiver, who's mercy and grace never run out of me. 

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