How To Be A God Girl

This page was made to help my fellow young women become real passionate women that God have created them to be. "God Girls" with a rooted establishment of Daddy's daughter-ship and a fiery desire to a real wholehearted submission to the Father. Embracing the character of Mary in John 12 where she lavished her love and adoration to Jesus, knowing how to leave everything behind and start to live for Him. Embracing the First Commandment of Loving God first among anything else and learning to wait on His Will for their lives, like the Church waits for Christ.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Do we not know?

How was your week? How was life going the past few days and months? Was it full of stress from work, procrastination from school, or madness at home and any other relationships you have?
Okay, let's take a break from that. Let's leave off our distresses from here. Now, let me ask you about this.

How's your WALK WITH GOD?

Have you read your Bible? (Joshua 1:8 "...meditate on it DAY and NIGHT,")
Have you regularly set aside time to just talk to Him and tell Him how you adore Him?

Uh-oh, did I just stress you a lot more? Don't worry, I've been in that page too. WE ARE SO CAUGHT UP ABOUT OURSELVES.

"On the average day, we live caught up in OURSELVES.On the average day, we don't consider GOD very much.On the average day, we forget that our life truly is a VAPOR." ~Francis Chan.

I have heard a lot of stories about people in their last breathe. Some are about to die confidently knowing where their destinations will be. But most of them have bitter endings. There was this one man who rejected and knew nothing about God all his life but asked for a priest in his lastest breathe. Like what difference does that make in his death?

For us who have Christ in our hearts and lives, salvation isn't  about obtaining an eternal life insurance; it is having a deep, love-rooted relationship with God. We found joy and surpassing peace in loving a God who loved us first even before our parents have planned us for their lives. (Philippians 4:19)

When you become saved and went to Heaven, imagine worshiping and praising God for eternity, yes I said eternity, without having a full knowledge of Him and having Him in our hearts? It can be a burden to bear for forever! But we found joy in loving Him because God is Love (1 John 4:8), we found joy in trusting Him because He is our Shepherd, we shall not want (Psalm 23:1)and we found joy in placing our lives to Him because He is Life (John 14:6).

I cannot blame those who chose to live for themselves for I've been there before. Yes, it is so easy to go after the flow of this world and who would like to deny himself and take up his own cross (Matthew 16:24) and to walk the narrow road (Matthew 7:14)?

But when Jesus found me and demonstrated His extravagant love for me, I did not choose to live there anymore. I found that life is fleeting and if you don't opt for the things that matter most in life, you'll find it meaningless at the end of the line.

"Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ." ~Philippians 3:8

Do we not know that OUR LIVES ARE NOT REALLY OURS?

Well, if you don't believe that, are you the one who allowed your life to come to existence?

"No, it was my parents."

Have you heard of abortions and miscarriages? Now, who have willed to give you a safe delivery at your birth?

It was only God Himself! The One who knows everything about your life with which even your purpose, worth and point of existing were totally dependent and definable to Him. And it is also Him whom you used to reject, take for granted, and deny.

We've gotten so busy with our lives, trying to function and trying to please ourselves, but missed the sole point of it. "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."~Philippians 1:21

Nothing in this world would make an eternal difference than to set God in our hearts first and love others as we love ourselves, to do what He asked you and to be the person He created you for.

"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."~James 4:14

Did we just EXIST and not LIVE? And did we just LIVE to DIE or LIVE to LIVE?


Unknown said...

Let's get over ourselves! Life is not about US, it's about Him, God!

Unknown said...

can i ask something??? how can i live without insecurities...

Unknown said...

Hi! Thank you so much for asking! :) well, to tell you frankly, I am naturally an insecure person too. I'm still struggling with it but not with the same extent when I haven't met Jesus yet. Well, for us to really vanish insecurities in our hearts, we must first identify who we are in Christ. I love this Truth that we are His children whom He so loves, and also His co-heir of His Kingdom. Embracing that fact, that we are set apart, He made us wonderfully in His sight, He loves us inspite every mess we have and that you are special, He chose you to be His children would dramatically change how you view yourself!