How To Be A God Girl

This page was made to help my fellow young women become real passionate women that God have created them to be. "God Girls" with a rooted establishment of Daddy's daughter-ship and a fiery desire to a real wholehearted submission to the Father. Embracing the character of Mary in John 12 where she lavished her love and adoration to Jesus, knowing how to leave everything behind and start to live for Him. Embracing the First Commandment of Loving God first among anything else and learning to wait on His Will for their lives, like the Church waits for Christ.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Crazy Love 021513

Tonight, we've had our first session of Francis Chan's Series "Crazy Love" altogher with my church youth. It has been such a crazy night for us. Worship was led by our awesome friends from Crossroads, with a fresh touch of approach in the expectancy of upcoming breakthrough among us.

I just wanna PRAISE the Lord God Almighty for placing me in the midst of these several hungry young people, from middle school to college, who are all seeking the pursuit of God in a real greater level. I've grown a lot in this church, Jesus Risen Lord Alliance Fellowship.

CRAZY LOVE Chapter 1:

What I'm gonna be going through right now is the Word that God moved in my being last night. We talked about how Big and how outstanding the Creator of the whole wide universe is. Francis Chan went over how the universe is so immense and how we can't even see the earth if we zoom out the view from galaxy to galaxy. Also he talked about how intricate the species are made here on earth. From a tiny caterpillar with 228 muscles, and human beings ourselves with the tiniest cells which made up our body.

Our discussion went so well but Shayne, our youth leader, closed the conversation and just let us all worship God in so much awestruck for Who He really is.

By that time, flashes of pictures revolved in my mind as I try to simply grasp and taste His Nature, who He really is and what He is like. All I did in worship was to cry in full adoration to that Amazing Creator we are talking about.

Then it brought me back to those first days I fell in love with Jesus!

I remembered how my first song composition goes. It was entitled "Perfect", and it was talking about how PERFECT the Father is, His earth which He made perfectly and His people that He's gonna make perfect too. That song really emphasized my love for the NATURE. For whenever I look up to the sky, I always felt the awesomeness of the One who created it. At day, you know how perfect it is to see a clear blue sky with the mighty sun that outshines darkness, "peaceful" clouds and birds flying across your sight. And at night, the most amazing part are the splendid stars glittering the view. Not to mention the marvelous shooting stars that flashes and excites all the people who can see it! Woah! What a perfect world which nobody, with human cognition could never imagine in the first place!

The most amazing REVELATION about it is that that same God who created everything, made you with so much LOVE from the intricate minute fibers of your being and to the earth where life sprung forth and to the trillions and trillions of galaxies that He so wonderfully and mindfully created! Looking around you and even to yourself, altogether with the complexity of Science, you can see God! A great powerful God who just spoke words and everything came to life!

My song also talks about this. "If You can make a marvelous world, what more to my life that You've given worth." We should remind ourselves that just before we were born, we were already conceived in His mind excitedly and fondly. Constructing every details of our being in uniqueness and in our own significance to the environment were gonna be living in. Not just that, He thoughtfully did that with all-knowing basis to all of who we are.

I began to totally knew by then that just when God had made perfect creations in earth, He surely as well will make a perfect creation out of me and in my life in the future. Knowing that, Philippians 1:6 says, "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."

Then God gave me a vision from what I also read from a long time ago. Imagine God in front of a long table as if He is an Inventor. There, you see yourself like let's say a five inch tall you. Would it be so amazing what a big smile the Father/Inventor can be shown in His face if He sees His creation KNOWS Him, SEEKS Him, ADORES Him, WORSHIPS Him and LOVES Him back?

And a much bigger REVELATION that came to me is that AFTER ALL the devastation that we do, in simple ways, with our nature, how we unconsciously destroy His creation and even in our lives at the peak of our desperation where we find self-pity, insecurity, failure, weakness and suicide our last resorts, that same God still look at us with so much LOVE and MERCY in that CROSS! He still love us DESPITE of the list of our unworthiness!

This love is unfathomable and so unbelievable! Perhaps that's the reason why some people still don't open their hearts for God. Even I had a lot of questions and when He answers those, we find it so deep and something that our mind can't understand. Then, can we lean not on our understanding and just accept what He says He is? Some of my questions, which I assume you also asks are: Why would He need to create us? Why do we have life? Why do He loves us so much that He let His only Son, Jesus, die on a Cross to bear our sins? What kind of Father could ever do that to His Son?

Well, my answer to that last question is that HE IS ALSO OUR FATHER. Remember the Story of the Lost sheep in Matthew 18:12? God is like that to all of us, a Father who would sacrifice everything just to have His children all back, to a much extent that He's only Begotten Son, whom He most loved and who alone PERFECTLY attained what He wills for a man, die for a greater gain-the Harvest of Souls! 

Even in the Old Testament answers this question, "Others died that you might live; I traded their lives for yours because YOU ARE PRECIOUS TO ME and HONORED, and I LOVE YOU." (Isaiah 43:3)

And that just makes me fell off my knee.

I know I got a little off topic but I was just so struck about this TRUTH, that the Father of all the Nations, the Creator of the whole wide universe and all that He is is the same God, the Lover of my soul!

I hope God will also REVEAL Himself to you all! Taste and see that the Lord is good and He is God! Absorb, claim and understand this CRAZY LOVE and let me know if it hit a part of your heart. Open it and welcome Him and let me also know how it changed your life here and after. God bless!


dina said...

good to know you're relationship with Jesus is getting deeper. God bless more kapatid :)

Unknown said...

Thank you kapatid! :) I'm so glad din that He chose me too. :)